Life is what happens to you when you are busy making plans...that's why I don't ask me what are you going to do tomorrow...I will tell you I have n.O__i.D.e.A ;)

Friday, 6 June 2014

Don't pout...write it out

Thoughts rush through my mind continuously throughout the day. It is a unfortunate truth but I cannot write all of my thoughts down. I don't think there is enough paper to capture all my day thoughts and night dreams. But whenever I get time in the day, I let my thoughts run smoothly on the text editor in front of me. I don't stop to think about what my fingers are typing on my keyboard. And honestly it is the best feeling in the world. Sometimes, I will feel super creative and I will be able to write a poem stanza by stanza with a basic rhyming scheme. And other days -- like today -- I will talk to my laptop screen. I converse through my writing.

In fact, writing has become a part of my life these days mostly because what goes on in my head becomes a lot more clear when it is written in ink. I don't know how many people can relate to this, but I find clarity when I am writing. Whether is a short piece, a poem, or a blog post--it's just plain fun!

Words can be a powerful tool. Combining the right words together can create a really powerful message! And I think everyone should try it out for themselves when they feel like they are having an overcrowded head :P

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